Bible verses about exposing evil--22 important verses exposing evil
“It absolutely saddens and disgusts me by the amount of fake Christians in Christianity. Most people who call themselves Christians in America will be thrown into hell. They’re rebellious towards the Word of God and when someone rebukes them they say, “thou shall not judge.”
First, that verse is talking about hypocritical judging. Second, if you live a continuous sinful lifestyle you’re not a true Christian because you’re supposed to be a new creation. I’ve even heard someone say, “I don’t care if she is a satanist don’t judge anyone” I literally almost caught a heart attack.
People don’t like their evil exposed and people don’t like you exposing anyone else so you don’t expose them. These so-called believers today will go against God’s Word and stand up for the devil and fight against God by condoning and supporting wickedness. An example of this is the many so-called Christian homosexuality supporters. How can you love what God hates?”
When you remain quiet then you start joining wickedness and remember God is not mocked. Stop being part of the world, expose it instead and save lives. The person who truly loves Christ is the one who’s going to stand up for Christ no matter if they lose friends, family, or if the world hates us. The people who hate Christ are going to read this and say, ‘stop judging.’”
“What does the Bible say?
1. Ephesians 5:11-12 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.
2. Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?
3. John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
4. Titus 1:10-13 For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party. They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach. One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said, Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons. This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith.
5. 1 Corinthians 6:2 Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases?
Do you allow your brothers to go down a dark path and remain rebellious towards the Word of God? Have courage and rebuke, but do it kindly, humbly, and gently.
6. James 5:20 let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
7. Galatians 6:1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.
8. Matthew 18:15-17 If your brother sins against you, go and confront him while the two of you are alone. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother. But if he doesn’t listen, take one or two others with you so that ‘every word may be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If, however, he ignores them, tell it to the congregation. If he also ignores the congregation, regard him as an unbeliever and a tax collector.
“The sin of being silent.”
9. Ezekiel 3:18-19 If I say to the wicked, “You shall surely die,” and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul.”
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You nailed it, Richard!