Bombshell: Holding Them To Account For Crimes Against Humanity (Video included)
Bombshell: Holding Them To Account For Crimes Against Humanity – Pascal Najadi & Todd Callender
By Alexandra Bruce
Forbidden Knowledge TV
“Pascal Najadi, a retired banker from Switzerland is at the center of a potentially huge sea change in the legal fight against the Globalist COVID financial fraud/bioterrorism campaign. Pascal has filed criminal charges of Abuse of Office under Article 310 of the Swiss Criminal Code against Swiss President Alain Berset, who is also that country’s former Minister of Health.
To everyone’s surprise, the Attorney General of Switzerland has decided to launch an investigation into the President – the first, of a sitting head of state – over their ‘vaccine’ policies.
Pascal joins Todd Callender and Sean on the SGT Report, to describe the simple inconsistencies in the official narrative that he noted, that proved to him that the whole COVID/Vaxx campaign was a fraud – such as that time that Pfizer’s President of International Markets, Janine Small admitted before an EU special COVID-19 committee hearing that the jab was not tested during clinical trials for its ability to prevent transmission before it entered the international market – leading Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakusic to declare that the European Union’s purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines amounted to the ‘biggest corruption scandal in the history of mankind.’”
“In the meantime, the World Economic Forum was taken over by the same group that is pushing Agenda 2030 at the UN, which Pascal calls “The end of humanity.” He recommends that we all go to the UN’s website and read the Agenda 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which he describes as a shocking document.
Then, he says we need to look into the WHO’s International Health Regulations. “The draft is online, you can read it. Article 3 – just one of many – is shocking. Why? Human rights and dignity have been eliminated, canceled. This article, alone will unhinge, make obsolete every constitution of a normal, democratic country in this world. Correct?
“This agreement has to be stopped. Trump was good. He exited the WHO. If you can do that, that’s the smartest thing to do. Just exit…It is a Fascist declaration,” Pascal says of the IHR.”