Introduction (part) of book: The Revelation of Jesus Christ: An Open Letter To The Church From A Modern Perspective Of The Book Of Revelation, 2nd, Edition
“Without a doubt, the book of Revelation is probably one of the most hotly debated books of the Bible. Much of our interpretation depends on our approach to interpret the Scripture. Audience relevance is one of the most important aspects of interpretation to any piece of Scripture. We must ask ourselves the simple questions who, what, when, where, and why? One of the keys that helped me to understand the Scriptures is understanding that Scripture was written for me, but not necessarily to me. In other words, the book of Revelation was written to seven churches that were really in Asia in the first century, just like the letters that the apostle Paul wrote to the churches at Ephesus or Thessalonica. We certainly can glean from those letters, but we must understand that he was writing to a first century audience that was in a transition from an old covenant paradigm to a new covenant way of thinking. The writer of Hebrews 8:13 declares that the old covenant had become old and was ready to vanish away, being replaced by a new and better covenant.
(The author then writes what will be discovered in the coming chapters, which paragraph I am not including.)
Most of what he promises the overcomer in the seven churches is something from the third dimension of the Tabernacle, namely, the most holy place. He promises them, hidden manna, eating from the tree of life, a white stone, a crown of life, an invitation to sit on the throne, etc. All these terminologies used are drawn from the imagery of what is beyond the veil in the most holy place. The invitation to come up hither is not to some geographical location, but rather it is to walk with him in the new covenant and the present reality of the Kingdom of God. It is walking in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. It was being made available to all who would repent or change their minds and overcome.
The imagery drawn from the fourth chapter of Revelation will show us a throne and a rainbow. The throne clearly represents the Kingdom, and the rainbow is a symbol of a covenant. Remember, the Ark of Noah? It is an invitation to sit with him in his throne, in a new and better covenant, and to sup with him. That is, to eat the covenant meal as symbolized in the final Passover served by Jesus the night before his decease. When he said this is my body that was broken for you and this cup is the new covenant in my blood, it was the inauguration of the new covenant based on better blood.”
Hebrews 10:16-20:
16 “This is the covenant which I will make with them
After those days, declares the Lord:
I will put My laws upon their hearts,
And write them on their mind,”
He then says,
17 “And their sins and their lawless deeds
I will no longer remember.”
18 Now where there is forgiveness of these things, an offering for sin is no longer required.
A New and Living Way
19 Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, through His flesh.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ: An Open Letter To The Church From A Modern Perspective Of The Book Of Revelation, 2nd, Edition, Lynn Hiles
“Using the Book of Revelation as his foundation, Lynn Hiles reveals through Scripture and Holy Spirit insight that the entire Bible is ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’. For anyone struggling to understand John's writings in Revelation, this book provides true, Biblically-based answers. Through detailed insight into the letters John wrote to seven churches of his day, you will learn how to avoid the inherent pitfalls of the ‘first Adam’ mentality to overcome today's trials and tribulations. This book will help you make the paradigm shift from an old covenant mentality to living in the new and better covenant of life in Christ Jesus. The more you understand the Book of Revelation, the more you will be disarmed of the fears, intimidations, rhetorical, and flood of information spewing from the dragon's mouth. This overflow of propaganda has kept the human family afraid to even read the Book of Revelation, when in fact, it is the only book in the Bible the declares a built-in blessing to those who read and understand it. This book will provoke you to thought and dialogue, bringing greater clarity and revelation of Jesus Christ.”