Positivism and Behaviorism; Booker T. Washington on a certain class of race-problem solvers
Please, please read the below posts carefully. Then please read my comments (tirade) at the end of the following posts.
Positivism and Behaviorism
“What differentiates the realm of the natural sciences from that of the sciences of human action is the categorial system resorted to in each in interpreting phenomena and constructing theories. The natural sciences do not know anything about final causes; inquiry and theorizing are entirely guided by the category of causality. The field of the sciences of human action is the orbit of purpose and of conscious aiming at ends; it is teleological.
“The positivist arrives at his point of view surreptitiously. He denies to his fellow men the faculty of choosing ends and the means to attain these ends, but at the same time he claims for himself the ability to choose consciously between various methods of scientific procedure. He shifts his ground as soon as it comes to problems of engineering, whether technological or "social." He designs plans and policies which cannot be interpreted as merely being automatic reactions to stimuli. He wants to deprive all his fellows of the right to act in order to reserve this privilege for himself alone.
He is a virtual dictator.
As the behaviorist tells us, man can be thought of as "an assembled organic machine ready to run."3 He disregards the fact that while machines run the way the engineer and the operator make them run, men run spontaneously here and there. "At birth human infants, regardless of their heredity, are as equal as Fords."4 Starting from this manifest falsehood, the behaviorist proposes to operate the "human Ford" the way the operator drives his car. He acts as if he owned humanity and were called upon to control and to shape it according to his own designs. For he himself is above the law, the godsent ruler of mankind.5 As long as positivism does not explain philosophies and theories, and the plans and policies derived from them, in terms of its stimulus-response scheme, it defeats itself.”
3. Watson, p. 269.
4. Horace M. Kallen, "Behaviorism," Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, 2, 498.
5. Karl Mannheim developed a comprehensive plan to produce the "best possible" human types by "deliberately" reorganizing the various groups of social factors. "We," that is Karl Mannheim and his friends, will determine what "the highest good of society and the peace of mind of the individual" require. Then "we" will revamp mankind. For our vocation is "the planned guidance of people's lives." Mannheim, Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction (London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1940), p. 222. The most remarkable thing about such ideas is that in the thirties and forties they were styled democratic, liberal, and progressive. Joseph Goebbels was more modest than Mannheim in that he wanted only to revamp the German people and not the whole of mankind. But in his approach to the problem he did not differ essentially from Mannheim. In a letter of April 12, 1933, to Wilhelm Furtwangler he referred to the "we" to whom "the responsible task has been entrusted, to fashion out of the raw stuff of the masses the firm and well-shaped structure of the nation (denen die verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe anvertraut ist, aus dem rohen Stoff der Masse das feste und gestalthafte Cebilde des Volkes zu formen)." Berta Geissmar, Musik im Schatten der Politik (Zurich, Atlantis Verlag, 1945), pp. 97-9. Unfortunately neither Mannheim nor Goebbels told us who had entrusted them with the task of reconstructing and re-creating men.
Book: Theory and History: An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution
“Like Hayek, Mises moved beyond economics in his later years to address questions regarding the foundation of all social science. But unlike Hayek's attempts, Mises's writings on these matters have received less attention than they deserve. Theory and History, writes Rothbard in his introduction, "remains by far the most neglected masterwork of Mises.
Here Mises defends his all-important idea of methodological dualism: one approach to the hard sciences and another for the social sciences. He defends the epistemological status of economic proposition. He has his most extended analysis of those who want to claim that there is more than one logical structure by which we think about reality. He grapples with the problem of determinism and free will. And presents philosophy of history and historical research. Overall, this is a tremendously lucid defense of the fundamental Misesian approach to social philosophy.
It is Mises's great methodological work, explaining the basis of his approach to economics, and providing scintillating critiques of such fallacious alternatives as historicism, scientism, and Marxian dialectical materialism.... Austrian economics will never enjoy a genuine renaissance until economists read and absorb the vital lessons of this unfortunately neglected work.”
Theory and History An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution, pp. 248-249. Ludwig von Mises
“I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.”
―Booker T. Washington, My Larger Education
Richard Duke:
A person does not hear about the above concepts (realities) but the elitists pushing for a one-world government CERTAINLY KNOW USE THESE AND OTHER BELIEFS AND TECHNIQUES AS PART OF THEIR ACTIONS OF TOTALITARISM. They want to engineer and control people like an engineer controls metal, etc. in building a bridge. The elitists want to control and completely mold the “deplorables”. The Bible states that God wants to mold us. They certainly believe Hegel: The state (agents [certain people of the state] of the elitists) is god. JRD
Please understand that is learned from the brilliant minds of Ludwig von Mises, Murray N. Rothbard and other Austrian economists (both deceased and alive today); and from the Mises Institute in general. (Remember there is not Mises Institute without people—Methodological Individualism.) I have studied Austrian economics for more than 45 years; and studied the globalists for more than 42 years. Most of the economic writings, political writings and presentations (one cannot understand politics if he does not understand the Fed, fiat currency and credit and the destruction of humanity through inflation) that I saw over the years and see today are below the level of JUNK—consisting of ignorance and/or lies and deceits.
(Inflation is the creation of currency and credit out of thin air; and the consequence is the destruction of the currency by benefitting the state and its cronies (elitists) at the expense of most of the people. Inflation is an abomination to God because it harms the poor people the most and destroys morals. JRD)
The tirade comes not toward the Subscribers of this blog but of various acquaintances of mine, whom I have known for years. They simply don’t care about the socialism/communism/Marxism/fascism taking over America now. I am concerned about what my family—two sons and their families—will have to live through. I see my families and then I seen the passive, do nothing, don’t care acquaintances. Most of them are too busy with “materialism” (nothing wrong with that concept unless it consumes one’s life). To say the least, this does not go over well—at all—with me! Why? To repeat: the concerns about my family contrasted with the I don’t have time to deal with the destruction of America is extreme.
I end this tirade with several questions. Have you ever heard of positivism, behaviorism and historicism (discussed later)? Have you heard of the Hegelian Dialectic (discussed later)? Have you heard of the Cloward-Piven chaos strategy, followed by obama?, (discussed later). Well, I hope you are interested because I will continue to make you aware of these subjects (beliefs and techniques used to control people). The brainwashing of people in America is obvious to me because of the herd mentality, believing in and wanting to be a part of the mass. I try to get rid of some brainwashing each day. JRD