The Root of Today’s Worldwide Education Problem Is Staring Us in the Face
“From Israel to America and lots of places in between, government schools are failing. This should not surprise us.”
“‘Our schools,’ reports a knowledgeable observer, ‘are producing ignoramuses.’ The average graduate, he explains, ‘does not know how to read critically, write expressively, or debate intelligently and politely.’ Meantime, the unions are opposing huge, proposed increases in beginner-teacher salaries because, instead, they want higher pay for teachers with seniority, regardless of individual performance.
Are we talking about America here? No, though Americans can sadly and credibly claim similar circumstances. What you just read comes from writer Amotz Asa-El in the July 29-August 4 issue of The Jerusalem Post. In his article titled ‘How can Jewish Schools be Bad?’, the country whose schools he excoriates is Israel.
The performance of American public schools, on average, is nothing to write home about either. Their disgraceful shortcomings are well-known and hardly need to be recounted here. You can check the Education section of Just Facts for the details. But guess what? I’ve heard the same complaints in almost all the 87 countries I’ve visited over the years. Even people who think their local public school is OK will decry the lousy and expensive outcomes in everybody else’s public school.
If a chain of private restaurants served bad food at high prices, it would be history in a hurry. Better eateries would spring up in their place, and customers would welcome such “creative destruction” as perfectly natural and beneficial.”
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[Inflation from loans to students (debt slaves), has driven up the costs of education that is poor education. Banks and the state! - JRD]